South Korea plane Ibaraki Airport has runway wrong. Transportation Safety Committee starts investigation.

In August, when a Korean passenger aircraft landed at Ibaraki Airport, there was a problem with the controller's instructions and another attempt to land on another runway. At that time, vehicles were running on the runway, and the Transportation Safety Committee began investigating as a serious incident that could lead to an accident.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, on August 22, when a Korean Easter Airliner landed at Ibaraki Airport, one of the two runways accidentally landed on another runway as directed by the controller. Tried.

An inspection vehicle is running on the runway you are about to land on, and the passenger plane raised the altitude again at an altitude of about 15 to 20 meters just before entering the runway and re-landed. Due to this trouble, 126 passengers and passengers were not injured.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the passenger plane pilot said, “I noticed that I had the wrong runway, so I landed again.”

The Transport Safety Committee has begun investigation as a serious incident that may lead to an accident, and will dispatch two investigators to Ibaraki Airport to investigate the cause in detail.