Eye cancer is rare, but it affects many people around the world annually and remains unknown for a long time.It is only discovered by chance when you visit an eye doctor or when you notice something abnormal in the person's eye while taking pictures. .

According to the German site "Duchi Villa" that the delay in the discovery of eye cancer, this leads not only to the destruction of the eye but also to death.

Fox magazine pointed out that the eye cancer can be identified when taking pictures using the property of "flash" for example, where the pupils appear in red while the other pupils appear in white or orange or a different color. The German Journal reported that the appearance of this condition is a sign of a tumor in the retinal cells (tumor in the retina).

The magazine "liebenswert-magazin" that the eye cancer remains unknown for a long time, because the patient is not aware of its symptoms, and added the German magazine that routine eye examination at the eye doctor, helps in the detection of this serious disease.

The magazine pointed out that there are several symptoms indicate the incidence of eye cancer, you must visit the doctor very urgently in the event of some of these symptoms, including: eye pain, the occurrence of disturbances in vision, see flashes of light, lack of vision very clearly, as well as duplication Vision.