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Two days after the March for Climate that will take place on Friday in Madrid, the bounce seat of the summit, the Chilean Minister of Environment and COP25 President Carolina Schmidt has highlighted the role of youth in action Climate Without concrete mention of the protests and the crisis that are happening these days in Chile, it has insisted on the importance of "the voices of young people asking for more changes, showing the countries that climate commitment is possible".

During the same press conference, framed within the events of the Climate Summit on Tuesday, the UN executive secretary for climate change, Patricia Espinosa , has admitted that she understands "citizen frustration" , especially that of younger, "because we are not where we need to be" to meet both the commitments of the Paris Agreement and the goal of a zero-emission planet in 2050 . He has also agreed with Schmidt stressing that " mobilization in the streets helps us to activate decision making as everyone joins."

Similarly, referring to the negotiations that these days are taking place at the Ifema facilities, Espinosa has stressed that it is necessary to "recognize the efforts" that are being made and see that in the COP25 agenda there are "signs of hope" .

"Climate change is unfair, it affects the most vulnerable most strongly," continued the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, Lorena Aguilar. " In countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America, climate change is a matter of life and death . This is the first global crisis facing humanity," said Aguilar. Who has taken advantage of the short space before the questions to highlight the unusual of the campus, composed entirely of women.

Picking up the witness and by way of conclusion, the Chilean minister has pointed out a particularity of this summit that distinguishes it from previous editions. For the first time, the ministers of Finance, Energy, Agriculture and Science have been invited. Likewise, representatives of local and regional governments committed to decarbonization have also attended the meeting, as well as private companies willing to invest in carbon business.

Another novelty is the appeal addressed to all countries to integrate the oceans into their nationally determined contribution plan (NDC). Schmidt insists on the need to thoroughly review each country's action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the commitments made in the Paris Agreement.

" It is time to act, it is not a slogan, it is a necessity, " the Chilean minister "the ambition" that stands out during this summit, both in speeches and at the fair's own booths, has summed up. Likewise, it has not specified whether this edition will produce any text that updates or specifies the Paris Agreement and forces countries to increase their climate commitments.

Meanwhile, in another of the areas authorized for the summit, the Spanish Minister of Ecological Transition in operation, Teresa Ribera, stressed that "the negotiation is key because we need a unique will that accelerates the ability to respond to climate change."

Ribera has recognized that the fight against climate change "is going through a complicated stage" since "some understand leadership as a regression, as a return to localism and in the short term, something enormously dangerous."

A few words that contrast with the statements of the Vox parliamentary spokesman, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, during the inaugural session of the Climate Summit. In which he claimed that "climate alarmism" can "have dire consequences for employment in Spain . "

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  • Climate change
  • Environment
  • Climate Summit
  • science
  • Science and Health
  • Greta Thunberg
  • Chile
  • Teresa Ribera
  • Vox

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