The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, said that the reproduction of crisis tests will only lead to more crises.

"I am following the perturbing scene in more than one Arab country and I believe that the reproduction of crisis experiences will only lead to more crises," Fargash said in a tweet on his Twitter account. It remains the necessary option, although difficult. "

Gargash added: "Perhaps the Arab Gulf countries have useful experiences in this aspect, the issue is not limited to the material possibilities, but in essence the political will convinced that the needs and demands of the citizen is the compass of the government track and that rampant corruption is not right with the demands of the strong state and its institutions."

Gargash continued: `` What we are witnessing in more than an Arab country are severe structural and living crises that require radical solutions that address the legitimate demands of the citizen.It is not the strong winds that will leave as some decision-makers wish, but a crisis situation that must be dealt with objectively, with conviction and humility. ''