Australian authorities have found a woman who survived a miraculous death after she disappeared for two weeks in a remote desert area in an isolated area of ​​central Australia.

The 50-year-old left with two of her friends in Alice Springs, central Australia, on November 19, on a cellular trip to remote areas, but the vehicle carrying them rationalized downstream.

The three stayed in the car for three days, relying on the food and water they brought with them.

As supplies ran out as temperatures soared to 40 degrees Celsius, they dug a hole below the car in an attempt to pass cool air into it.

However, the situation was no longer intolerable.

But her friends decided to walk to the nearest highway, armed with GPS and a compass, but the woman preferred to stay reliant on drinking water and eating the remaining biscuits.

During the search for the three, after friends of the family reported the police, a helicopter spotted the woman at the pool, but search teams failed to find her friends.