Claim phone more than 24,000 times or arrested 71-year-old man on suspicion of business disruption November 26 14:29

A 71-year-old man was arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department for disturbing his business by calling toll-free calls from a major communications company, KDDI, about 400 times a week. The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the detailed situation, which seems to have made over 20,000 calls two years ago.

Arrested by Akitoshi Okamoto (71) in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture, was arrested.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, there is a suspicion that during the week of last month, KDDI's toll-free number was called 411 times from a public phone, and a complaint was made that the telephone was claimed.

However, as a result of the investigation conducted by the Metropolitan Police Department in consultation with KDDI in September, it was determined that a series of actions hindered the work of listening to requests and opinions from customers and caused mental pain to the operators. is.

Based on KDDI records, suspect Okamoto seems to have called more than 24,000 complaints two years ago, and the Metropolitan Police Department is examining the detailed situation.

It means that the charges are denied to the investigation.