The profiles of about 1.2 billion users were exposed to hacking, which includes everything from social media accounts to phone numbers and email addresses.

The data included millions of social media profiles, about 50 million phone numbers and 622 million email addresses - making it one of the largest single-source leaks in history.

According to the British Daily Mail website, Vinnie Troia, a dark online researcher, discovered the disaster, stressing that the server has published information that hackers can easily use to impersonate many victims on the Internet.

They found the server in October, while looking for breaches, in collaboration with fellow security researcher Bob Dyachenko, according to Wired for the first time.

"This is the first time I have seen all social media profiles collected and combined with user profile information in a single database on this domain, and from the attacker's point of view, if the goal is to impersonate or steal their accounts," Troia said. You'll have names, phone numbers, and URLs associated with the account. "

He and his colleague Dyachenko found four billion accounts, belonging to 1.2 billion users, covering more than four terabytes of data, but were unable to locate the perpetrator.