Next week, Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP) gives the authority for cultural analysis the task of investigating the principle of arm's length. This is stated by the Minister of Culture in SVT's Culture Week.

"Need to investigate what it looks like"

The reason is the discussion that arose about publicly funded art after Sölvesborg Municipality's decision to stop purchasing "challenging contemporary art".

- We need to investigate how it looks both state, municipal and regional, how the principle is followed. I think we need to do this to see what the situation really looks like so that we can make sure that no matter what politicians control, we make sure that the art is free, ”says Amanda Lind to SVT.

Artistic freedom

The principle of arm's length is about artistic freedom and means that politicians should not interfere in how a work of art is designed, even if it is ordered by a municipality, a region or the state and financed with tax money. There is no law, however, a principle that most municipalities support. However, there are differing perceptions about where the border actually goes, shows the Cultural News survey from 2018.

See the entire interview with Amanda Lind in the Culture Week, SVT2 on Thursday at 20:00