On Tuesday, in "No appointment", Dr. Jimmy Mohamed gave his advice to deal with a hypoglycemia crisis.


Feeling of discomfort, loss of energy, the symptoms of a hypoglycemia crisis are known, although they can sometimes be confused with a classic vagal discomfort. On Tuesday, in Europe 1, Dr. Jimmy Mohamed gave a few tips to clearly distinguish the signs of this drop in blood sugar levels, as well as the good habits to adopt.

How do you recognize hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia is "an abnormal drop in glucose in the blood, with a blood glucose lower than 0.7 grams per liter," says Jimmy Mohamed, adding however that the symptoms are unique to each.

These include sweating, paleness, feeling hungry or weak, blurred vision, or tremors. In children, mood disorders may also be a sign of hypoglycaemia.

Too much alcohol can also cause a drop in blood glucose. However, recalls Jimmy Mohamed, "hypoglycemia occurs mainly in diabetics treated with insulin."

What are the reflexes to adopt?

"We must cease its activity urgently," says the doctor, before "resucrer". For that, it is necessary to take "the equivalent of 15 grams of sugars, that is three pieces of sugar, a brick of juice of 15 centilitres, a small can of soda not light of 15 centilitres, or a tablespoon of jam or honey". After having replenished sugar, you must then check your blood sugar again fifteen minutes later, to see if it has not relapsed.

A new nasal spray soon available

A new drug will soon come to simplify the lives of people prone to hypoglycemia attacks. Currently, in case of severe hypoglycaemia, outside the hospital, you must inject "glucagon" with an intramuscular injection.

But "the European Medicines Agency has just decided in favor of the authorization of the placing on the market of an intranasal form of 'glucagon'," says Jimmy Mohamed. Thus, a simple inhalation will raise blood sugar. This spray "will be available in a few months, from 4 years in children," says Jimmy Mohamed.