Hair loss in the winter is increasingly due to a lack of vitamin D caused by low exposure to the sun, according to the magazine «In Style» German.
The portal on health and beauty that the lack of vitamin «D» has a negative impact on hair growth cycles, as the roots lose their strength, and then quickly fall hair.
In response, InStyle recommends good care of the scalp, using scalp care products containing turmeric and ginseng that strengthen hair follicles.
Care products containing an effective combination of vitamin B6, zinc sulfate and azelaic acid can also be applied.
In addition to proper care products, sunlight should also be adequately exposed during sunny winter days to help the body produce vitamin D itself.
In addition, healthy nutrition plays an important role in healthy and strong hair.Iron-rich foods such as red meat and leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli should be eaten, and foods rich in essential fatty acids such as nuts and salmon (vitamin B7) such as beef liver, egg yolk, oat flakes and nuts.