If physiotherapy for babies with bronchiolitis continues to be widely practiced in France, the High Authority of Health recommends instead to educate parents with simple actions, to avoid having recourse to these vigorous massages.


Massage or not massage? A working group of the High Health Authority has pronounced on the subject and "do not recommend it". This is explained by Dominique le Guludec, president of the organization, at the microphone of Europe 1: "The working group has not found evidence in favor of the traditional physiotherapy of bronchial decongestion that is practiced in Europe. France".

For Dominique Guludec, "we must educate parents, teach them for example to blow their child, because these toddlers of less than a year can not breathe other than by the nose and are therefore embarrassed very quickly ". She assures that it is possible to give them "so much well-being by opening their noses".

Useful massages, in some cases

But for doctor Jimmy Mohammed, consultant on Europe 1 and speaking on the show Sans Rendez-vous , these massages can occasionally be good for infants. "I still prescribe, I saw an improvement in some children who had difficulty eating or who coughed a lot," he says.

The doctor says that "in some cases, some people can do it". "You have to be more weighted than a global rejection of the practice." And the practitioner to point out another advantage of anti-bronchiolitis massage: offer parents an alternative to an emergency. Remember that if the High Authority does not recommend this process, it continues to be reimbursed.