Winter taste of the Sea of ​​Japan Landing of cold yellowtail Niigata November 11, Sado 13:06

Fishing of the winter taste of the Sea of ​​Japan “Kanburi” began in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture.

In Sado City, Ryotsu Bay is actively engaged in the fishing of yellowtail using a large stationary net to avoid the rough sea and the yellowtail traveling south of the Sea of ​​Japan during this period.

This seasoned yellowtail is called “cold yellowtail”. On the morning of the 11th, there were over 500 fish landings for the first time this season, and they were arranged according to size.

The landed yellowtail weighs between 8 and 10 kilograms, the heaviest being about 13 kilograms, and was bid off at around 3000 yen per kilogram and shipped to Toyosu Market in Tokyo.

“I am very happy with the big fishery. I hope this will continue until the end of the year. I think we can expect it.”

Sado's cold yellowtail fishing is at its peak next month and continues until around February next year.