The news of the St. Petersburg associate professor, who killed and cut into pieces his favorite student, shocked many, even the information media gave out information commenting on how terrible it was. That is, this story did not leave anyone indifferent, even the cynical and many-seen journalists. In addition to the opposition.

Navalnists rushed to rejoice and replicate information that an assistant professor of patriotic views. It seems like disowning that there are no such representatives among them. But no matter how.

That is, firstly, I do not understand how to generalize this. If any Aleksey turns out to be m *** com, does it really mean that all Alekseev should be considered as such? Is there really a single system visible in a single case? Or if one turned out to be a pedophile, now everyone with the same hair, looks, name and other things are also latent lovers of minor girls and boys?

Secondly, and among the opposition are all wonderful people? Exceptionally correct, faithful, kind, acting at the call of the heart? I would so vehemently not fit in all at once, for myself it’s more expensive. Because, God forbid, something kind of happens, then you have to make excuses - they say that he is not ours, we are not responsible for him.

Or is everything that some oppositionist does, even immoral, justified by the fact that he is “his own” and he can? This is how some amateur human rights activists believe that a person should not be punished by imprisonment, simply because a prison in Russia is a horror. But it always seemed to me that the severity of the punishment is determined by the severity of the crime committed, and not by the state of reality. But just the same fear of getting into places of detention and unwillingness to part with the usual way of life could stop the crime.

In this sense, it infuriates you, even as the liberot is inconsistent in its sequence - they will support and protect you, no matter what you do, the main thing is that you are against the government, but this will only last until you are profitable.

Let us recall at least how easily Navalny rejects his supporters (how he disowned the same Serukanov), when it is necessary to choose the last one on whom to hang everything.

But in general, in the situation with the murder and dismemberment of a girl in St. Petersburg, the liberals had only to slide down to the victim’s accusations - they said, she was hanging out with that, she asked for it. Your gloating girl will not be returned. But condolences could support her family and friends.

Where is your humanity when you need it so much? Doesn’t it bother you what happened to the girl, or is it not so important as the desire to prove your point of view and once again pour a tub of accusations against your opponent? The liberal public could start their own investigation (where are the investigators, when are they needed?), A campaign to educate young people, prevent abuser behavior, ageism and bullying from teachers.

By the way, I personally faced a terrible, boorish attitude at my university - they threatened me with expulsion, publicly humiliated me, banged my hair (!), Threatened me with physical harm, blackmailed me, brought me to tears and demanded a bribe. Many of my classmates studying at the university left their traumatic imprint for life. We, young and green students, were not considered to be people, pushed and intimidated, and we believed that this was normal, it should be so, and there was nothing strange in that.

To become a killer, you do not need to do anything else but to kill. It doesn't matter who you vote for, what views you share. But in order to be and remain a scum, it’s enough like this, passing by, not to pay attention to the most important thing in this story. And how many more of these girls have suffered or are suffering right now? What will you do with it?

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.