The social networking site "Instagram" has decided to close an application that allows users of the site to monitor the activities of their friends or loved ones on the site, after reports that the use of this application to penetrate the privacy of users.

Instagram has turned off Follow-Up or Fullwing, which allows users to see which posts and accounts other friends interact with. This feature lets the user know which posts his friends liked or the comments his friends posted on others' posts., a technology-focused site, noted that the application of the Patrol, which was quietly launched via IOS Store last July, will not only re-activate the follow-up feature on Instagram, it will also Increases the number of tasks you perform.

The website "Instagram" that the developers of the application "Lake Patrol", which is used to follow the activity of friends on the social networking site violated the rules of the site and were notified to stop it via the site owned by the famous social network "Facebook", which deals frequently with external applications that violate user data without Refer to them.

"Following users' activities violates our policies and we are taking action against companies we find involved in these practices," a Facebook spokesman said. "The application of Lake Patrol has violated user data so we have taken appropriate action against it."

Lake Patrol applications are one of the ways technology offers people to track the activities of others. Tracking applications, which are commonly used in abusive activities, allow data about the user's location, contacts, friends, and messages exchanged. Although Lake Patrol is not a tracking or spying program, it generally encourages people to use technology to monitor the activities of others on social media.