A young American has discovered that he has more than 20 sisters and sisters from different mothers, having given birth to "sperm vaccines" from the Sperm Bank in Washington.

Ryan Kramer's passion began to identify his origins at the age of eight, which made him send a request to the "Sperm Bank", and was actually corresponded by the bank's administration and identified a number of brothers and sisters who numbered up to 20 individuals, after analysis and matching DNA for them.

For its part, the channel "NBC" that the brothers and sisters of Kramer are organizing a meeting once a year, and established a group on the social networking site "Facebook" to communicate with each other, especially as Kramer considers this number of brothers and sisters "a great blessing. Irreplaceable. "

Kramer was later able to identify a father as well, and remained in contact with him, although he considered that the relationship between them, more like, the relationship with the uncle or cousin more than the relationship between the boy and father.

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