Guest of Frédéric Taddeï's show "En promenade avec", Katherine Pancol, whose 19th novel has just been released, delivers her writing advice to the microphone of Europe 1.


On the occasion of the release of her latest book, "Bed bug" (Albin Michel), Katherine Pancol gave an interview to Frédéric Taddeï in the show "En promenade avec", at her home, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, between his cactus and his book of the Pléiade. The successful novelist delivered her secret to ending the white page syndrome.

"Now I'm doing Hemingway's thing in 'The Garden of Eden': he says that when you're stuck in the blank page, which is still very scary, you have to write anything," says Katherine. Pancol, author including The yellow eyes of crocodiles .

"For example, you write: 'I wonder if I went shopping this morning, but I had to fill the fridge, what did I forget to buy?' You write all that, and after you read again, "advises the novelist. In this way, you have at least written something.

"You are no longer afraid to write"

And in this process of re-reading, "you say to yourself" but it sucks, it interests nobody "and suddenly there is something that happens and you are no longer afraid to write.In any case, you fall back in action and you go back to writing, at home it works, otherwise you can be stuck for two, three, four days, and that's horrible, "she jokes.

At home, the novelist writes in her office "between 2am and 7am", with a background of music that she does not really listen to: "But when I have a decline of inspiration, I can rely on the music".

Katherine Pancol was 25 years old when she released her first book Moi d'abord . His novels have sold millions of copies and have been translated into more than 30 countries.