“Farewell and Connect the Aspirations” Kyoani Memorial Ceremony Many fans attended November 3, 13:35

A memorial ceremony for the arson of Kyoto Animation, where 36 people died, was held in Kyoto City, and many fans gathered to encourage their works from inside and outside the country.

In July, 36 people were killed and 33 were seriously injured in the incident in which the first studio of Kyoto Animation in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, was set to fire.

On the 3rd, a “farewell and tie-up ceremony” was held for the general public in memory of deceased employees, and a large number of fans gathered from the morning in Kyoto.

An altar with a width of about 30m is set up, and each visitor is offering prayers.

The postcards distributed to visitors stated in Japanese and English that “we will continue to deliver animations that foster dreams, hope and excitement to people around the world”.

A 25-year-old woman in Kyoto said, “Everyone was crying. I expressed my feelings of thank you so far and the desire to continue making great works.”

A 20-year-old female college student studying in Kyoto from China after the work said, “It ’s really wonderful to have a place to say goodbye and thank you. It was.

The memorial service will be held for four days at Miyako Messe in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.