Julia Simon, naturopath specialized in perinatality, was the guest of "No Rendez-Vous", on Europe 1, this Friday. She gives advice to moms to recover well after giving birth.


After a delivery, the period called postpartum, can be complicated for moms. Julia Simon, a naturopath specialized in perinatality and mother of two little girls, has published a book titled Bien vivre le fourth trimester au naturel (First). She gives several tips to mothers to apprehend and manage the postpartum period at best. Nutrition, physical activity, the environment and well-being are essential keys according to her.

"We associate the postpartum period too much with a period of depression, and in fact, I think the postpartum is much more than that," says Julia Simon, who admits that she was not well enough prepared to face her postpartum during her first pregnancy. "The post-partum period can be a very rich and interesting time for the woman, but it's a period that requires a lot of recovery."

With "a warming, comforting and remineralizing diet"

Food level, Julia Simon advises to prepare in the third quarter: "We can already prepare small dishes that are put in the freezer." After the birth, the naturopath advises to feed on so-called "vitalising" foods, that is to say "a warming, comforting, and remineralizing food such as vegetable broth or chicken, very easy to digest for the young mother who will give her a lot of strength (...) It is filled with minerals, collagen, which will repair the tissues and support the joints.Essential amino acids such as glycine will allow to recover well at the muscular level. Broth is also an anti-inflammatory that will work on intestines and intestinal flora and support immunity. "

The goji berry is also a great food according to Julia Simon because it has the property of being able to "feed the blood". "Since the mother has lost a lot of blood during delivery, it is important that she feeds it and the goji berry allows this."

Form a "resource team"

In addition to food, Julia Simon advises mothers to surround themselves with what she calls a "resource team", that is to say "people who will be useful after and who will accompany us" .

"Before, we were very surrounded by our aunts, our cousins, our grandmothers, and this village no longer exists, so it's up to us to rebuild it," she notes.

Breathing, stretching, hydrotherapy

After the birth, the naturopath also believes that the mother needs to do a little physical activity like "the false chest inspiration", which is a breathing that can be done "when one is lying down and who can allow to put in move its organs and in particular help them to recover a little bit in place. "

A few days later, moms can simply "stretch and self-massage at trapezius level".

Hydrotherapy also helps relieve some pain. Moms can use hot water bottles "that comfort and can soothe pains", take hot baths and drink plenty of water to fight against fatigue.

In order to fall asleep more easily, they can finally massage for three minutes the point Shen Men located in the upper part of their ear.