Recently, fortune has turned its back on Alexei Navalny. Claims against his Anti-Corruption Fund are pouring one after another. Western media switched to Lyubov Sobol, calling her the new face of the opposition and a symbol of protests. Companions on the “smart vote”, with whom Alexei planned to board the Moscow City Duma and with their help “create problems”, Sobyanin, having received the coveted deputy mandate, switched to their own agenda.

However, Alex is not discouraged. Every day he has a reason to pour on his supporters another tub of not always truthful, but very bad news and, in the meanwhile, unobtrusively ask for money. Of course, solely for the fight against corruption and the payment of regular fines, and not for your vacation or some other personal needs.

However, the amount of claims is becoming more and more, and the financial capabilities of the FBK “sponsors” from among its subscribers in social networks are very, very modest. Therefore, it is rather difficult to understand how Navalny and Co. are going to pay off their accumulated debts. There is a suspicion that none. And thereby provoke the court in retaliatory measures such as the arrest and seizure of personal property. Indeed, one can not only make money on this by begging naive supporters for a new portion of donuts “to buy a new teapot”, but also to inflate another tantrum from the series “the regime is fierce”.

But what’s remarkable: Navalny and Co. position themselves as a team of high-class lawyers, but the number of cases they lose raises questions. And not only in their professional suitability. The trick is that all of Navalny’s activities are based on lies, manipulations and breaking the law. Therefore, once in court, he absolutely has no chance of winning.

But, taking advantage of the legal illiteracy of the adherents of the sect of “beautiful Russia of the future”, as well as their “mouse horizons”, he quite successfully talks about the “dishonest trial”, “repression” and the mythical “Putin fear” that the president of the Russian Federation allegedly experiences whenever Bulk publishes another “exposure” on Twitter. And under this sauce it draws quite decent amounts from gullible citizens.

Ostap Bender knew 400 relatively honest ways of taking money from the population. One is enough for Lesha. The main thing is to lie with inspiration and conviction.

Amazingly, even after the next lie that Navalny broadcasts on the air is exposed, he continues to speculate on it.

The so-called Prigogine case, because of which FBK's debt increased by another 88 million rubles, is a clear example of this.

Initially, the whole story was one big profanity. But Navalny and Sable, with tenacity worthy of a better application, continued to rock the topic, speculating on children whom the "personal cook of Putin" allegedly poisoned in Moscow kindergartens and schools.

The result was logical. The court ordered to recover 88 million rubles from Alexei Navalny, Lyubov Sobol and FBK at the suit of the Moscow Schoolboy company in compensation for damage to business reputation.

And here the fun begins. Just because this fine cannot be ignored. No way. So, once again it will be necessary to run to the ECHR and there try to prove the “injustice” of the decision made by the Moscow court.

But there is a nuance. The key “witness” in this case admitted that she deliberately disseminated slander on the Navalny Live channel in exchange for the promise of Sable to pay her treatment for a child for intestinal infection. As it turned out, the woman was given a ready-made text in which there were a lot of speculation and various inaccuracies, and after the filming, the representatives of FBK stopped contacting her, and she never received the promised money for the treatment of the child. Like this.

The story is as banal as instructive. I hope that after it, those wishing to contact fraudsters from FBK will noticeably decrease. But this does not mean that Navalny at once ceases to engage in his dirty deeds and abandons systematic lies and provocations.

Therefore, in no case should you close your eyes to all this and expect that "it will resolve itself."

Will not resolve. Until Navalny understands that for each of his lying words and for every provocation planned by him, he and his “team” will deserve what they deserve, and they will have to pay for it the most important thing in their life - money!

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.