The Apple iPhone 11 Series was released today (25th).

Initial sales of the iPhone 11 series are higher than the previous ones, but it is unknown whether they will continue to be popular in Korea.

In the first major launching countries such as the US, China, and Japan, the iPhone 11 price was similar to or slightly lower than the predecessor, the iPhone XR, but in Korea, the price was similar or higher.

I was ridiculed for resembling 'induction' after looking at the rear camera design.


Last month, South Korea's oldest social media application was found to be Facebook.

App Analysis Service WiseApp analyzed the usage of SNS apps, and as a result, SNS apps used by Koreans for the longest time last month totaled 4 billion minutes on Facebook.

Instagram followed by 2.6 billion minutes and NAVER CAFE 1.8 billion minutes.

YouTube has been classified as a video platform and has been left out of the survey.

By generation, teenagers and twenties had the longest time using Facebook, those in their thirties instagram, those in their 40s used Naver Cafe, and those in their 50s used Naver band the most.


The anti-spam application allows you to check your voice phishing calls or text messages in advance.

The Financial Supervisory Service and Huhoo & Company have entered into a business agreement to notify users when they receive a phone call or text message at the voice phishing phone number reported to the Financial Supervisory Service.

It is hoped that this will help to prevent damage.

However, the FSS said that Hufu's AI detection function will be limited to the latest smartphones, so it will discuss with mobile operators and related ministries.