Six days of sabotage - after looting shops, banks, stopping highways, stations and bringing the image of Barcelona into a bonfire into the universe - have displaced the front page elections. The polls, in which nobody believes but that everyone follows, indicate that the PSOE goes back, Vox is revived and the PP is close to 100 deputies. As Carlos Sánchez has written, the opportunism of Pedro Sánchez has triumphed over political wisdom: he preferred that Catalonia condition the vote, he thought he presented himself as a solution, in the center and with Franco's bones on his shoulder, when the system was turned upside down. And that's it

The use of force by the PSOE would give votes throughout Spain, but not the PSC, which is essential for Sanchez to win. The other parties ask why the president of the government hides. They accuse him of keeping Quim Torra in the Generalitat, whom they consider to be the commander of the separatist urban guerrilla commander. "Where is the Government, where is the State?" Asks Albert Rivera .

A prominent leader of the PSOE replies: "There are times when leaderships outnumber the collective project. The time has come for the screening that Spanish politics has self-applied since those in 2014 and those sitting on 15-M. The sift has only resisted a public figure capable of offering what society now demands mostly: security and expectation of solution in Catalonia. Pedro Sánchez is the only one who offers security and expectations of a social majority that the country needs. " And I ask him: "What if Catalonia gets out of hand?" They think that the solution is not in force, but in the covenant. But we have seen how separatists have seduced millions of Catalans as irrational beings are seduced.

The socialists of Madrid insist that the independence of Catalonia is impossible, but the separatists seem willing to reach disconnection without referendum, without deadlines, without conversations. They shout "Independence now" and "Not one step back." They said they were people of peace and Barcelona are burned. The radicals called Gabriel Rufián " botifler " in the Arc de Triomphe, because he had pronounced himself against the way of the club. ERC and the hitmen of Puigdemont and Torra are going to kill, and the CDR threw Rufián out of the demonstration.

The horrific conflict of identities, of hymns and flags, ruled by crowds, as Juan Marsé thought, is degenerating into a break between the separatists. The other parties do not know what to say in the midst of chaos.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Catalonia
  • PSOE
  • Barcelona
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Quim Torra
  • PP
  • PSC
  • Vox
  • Madrid
  • Gabriel Rufián
  • Spain
  • ERC
  • CDR
  • Albert rivera
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • Columnists
  • Proced judgment

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