A number of years ago, the Ministry of Social Affairs revealed that the number of people with «autism», registered in government and private treatment centers in the country, reached 879 cases, including 62% of the citizens of the state, mostly males by 81%, no doubt that these figures rose Now, awareness of the symptoms of "autism" has increased among parents and parents, and the discovery of the injured is at an early stage, and this is a positive thing.

But in return for this positive, there are many negative things associated with «autism», it represents a very big problem for families, and a costly and stressful responsibility for parents, a real suffering not felt by others, and not borne with them, so they are alone in the consequences of injury Their children have "autism", psychological, financial, and human consequences.

The high cost of treating autistic cases is the biggest and most difficult problem for families, aggravating their suffering. The average cost of treatment per case in government centers nationwide is about 62 thousand dirhams annually, and more than double in private autism centers, reaching some If you have more than one child with the same symptoms in the family, you can imagine the magnitude of the problem!

As for non-profit centers, they offer their services at reasonable prices, as opposed to their counterparts in the private sector, and they are the most advanced in the environment, place and expertise dealing with people with «autism», so its services are not commensurate with the cost of operation, education and treatment provided by Children, however, do not receive any steady government support, which makes them able to continue providing this type of care, so there are two problems or dilemmas that need to be resolved, the solution in providing support to families with children or children with autism, or Support centers that somehow follow the government to Providing appropriate services and care for these children, now and realistically none of these happen!

There are government agencies that provide simple support to people with disabilities, but this support is governed by several legal requirements, and linked to the income of the family, so the majority of families of children with "autism" do not receive any support, because they are not legally low-income, I do not know what The secret of linking the care of a child with autism with the income or salary of his guardian, the cost is high, and often no employee, whatever his salary can bear with the other living burdens, it is first to treat the child as a citizen child in need of education and health care and treatment, Without linking this to any other considerations, just how much This is the case in providing education for all UAE nationals in public schools free of charge, regardless of income, salary, or standard of living of parents.It is a fundamental and inherent right that the state has recognized since its inception.This is not particularly different from an autistic child or any other child. Inspirational owners!

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