Forced obscenity patrol "address in the police database ..." October 11, 17:27

A 32-year-old police officer of Saitama police headquarters who was arrested on suspicion of touching his body invading a woman's room in Saitama city, said, `` We used a police database to look up a woman's address ”Was found in interviews with investigators.

A police officer, Hiroko Kanno (32), who belongs to the railway police team of the Saitama Police Headquarters, invaded and touched the body of a woman in her 20s living in an apartment in Saitama city in August. He was arrested on suspicion of forced obscenity and sent to the public prosecutor's office on the 11th.

In response to police investigations, they have denied some of the charges that they have entered the house but have not touched their bodies.

Sugano said that he entered the room with the name of a real estate agent, but for the investigation after that, he said that he used the police database to look up the woman's address. I understood in the interview.

In the police database, there is a record of a woman's previous consultation with the police, and there is still a history of Sagano's viewing of this record. The police are investigating a detailed story aimed at women.