In these uncertain times, Felipe González and Mariano Rajoy have appeared as priests of the oracle. Not in Delphi, but in La Toja . Seeing them hand in hand, appealing to the wisdom to end the political blockade, has led a few to long for bipartisanship and gray hair.

Gonzalez again compared former presidents with large Chinese vases in small apartments: they are valuable, but they hinder. It could be clarified that the metaphor is better applied to some than others.

Adolfo Suarez put Spain in the twentieth century and made a legendary mutis. Gonzalez and Aznar had to prop up the democracy and modernization of the country . I do see them with the enameled lid of the Ming dynasty on their heads. His statements and admonitions cause enthusiasm or rashes, but always interest.

What touched Rajoy was to take Spain out of the hole, which is not turkey mucus. But his virtues as a cachazudo technocrat crashed in the Catalan crisis, which demanded political nerve. And besides, he left us Pedro Sánchez as a gift . I do not say that it does not end up as fine porcelain, but it still appears to me metamorphosed in a bag. From Loewe.

Nor do I associate Rodríguez Zapatero with a Chinese vase. If anything, one of those golden cats that move the little arm. Mind you, hinder, hinder . And, above all, it entangles. Instead of retiring to supervise clouds or orbit for the alliance of civilizations, he chose to make a pilgrimage on the Bolivarian side of history. He mediated in Venezuela and ended up as an emissary of Maduro, intrigued for Spain to reverse the sanctions of senior officials of the regime and was repudiated by the opposition. We ignore who pays for these activities . Nor did he know about the millionaire bribes paid by Chavismo to Raúl Morodo, his ambassador to Caracas. Nor did he tell much about the trips to Cuba and Guinea with former Ministers Moratinos and Bono (Morodo's intimate, by the way). He has paid homage to Evo Morales and has sponsored the recent trip to Spain by Alberto Fernández, that man with the smile of a second-hand car salesman that Cristina Kirchner has placed as a candidate for the presidency of Argentina. Doña wants to return to power to guarantee impunity in various corruption proceedings.

Fluttering among kleptocrats has changed Zapatero's rictus. He has hardened the gesture, contracted the jaw and fired the circumcises even more. Bambi has passed to Nosferatu . He will always have the rendered admiration of Pablo Iglesias, whom he advises in person and by message.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Venezuela
  • Jose Maria Aznar
  • Felipe Gonzalez
  • Cuba
  • Argentina
  • Adolfo Suarez
  • international
  • Columnists

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