A latex puppet of the former President of the Republic was put up for sale on Le Bon Coin for a few hours. It had been stolen from the premises of Canal +, who recovered his property.

"" Sell Jacques Chirac's puppet for 5,000 euros ". This is what announced the title of an ad that was recently found on "The Good Corner". The object to sell: a real puppet latex Guignols info, one of the most famous, that of former President Jacques Chirac.

An employee of H2O

But if the author claimed that he had recovered this latex double legally, according to Le Parisien , it was actually a robbery. And its author would be a collaborator of the society H20, the company of Cyril Hanouna, who has him nothing to do in this little scam not very shining. The puppet was recovered by Canal + ... and the author of the larceny did not hit a dime! A real Guignol!