A team of scientists at the Medical College of National Defense in Japan has found a way to make artificial blood that can be passed on to anyone, regardless of blood type, the Future Observatory in Dubai reported. It does not have blood of a particular family.

The Observatory, citing the Asahi Shimbun, said that the assistant professor at the Medical College of National Defense and co-author of the research, Manabu Kitushita, said that "it is difficult to store enough blood in as far away as remote islands, and artificial blood may be able to save lives." Who are dying because of a lack of blood. ”

Artificial blood, according to research published in the American medical journal Transfusion, can be used to treat patients before they arrive at the hospital and check their blood type.

Blood consists of platelets and red blood cells that are kept safely at room temperature for more than a year. Platelets play a role in the process of blood clotting and healing of wounds, and red blood cells transfer oxygen to all vital organs in the body.

The team successfully tested rabbits, with blood saving most of them from heavy bleeding from a large wound.