The house of GH VIP 7 is a powder magazine, "a war to the death" -word by Mila Ximénez -. It is a all against all manual. No matter the reason or no matter who does the goal is to finish, step on and annihilate the one next door. "Let him cut his head!" Said the Queen of Hearts in Alice's story in Wonderland , because GH VIP 7 is the guillotine. The madness in the house is such that everything around it is spread by that rage and hatred that all contestants - and not one or not - expel through the pores of their skin.

Last night, the anger in the house moved to the set. Such is the madness that they have that nobody is saved. The relatives, former contestants and the host himself, Jorge Javier Vázquez , were in the same state of tension that was inside the house. And everything ended up exploding in the house, and everything ended up exploding on the set with a Jorge Javier out of his mind and some relatives who start to get out of the pot. It is not for less.

What is not even normal is that even who shit more and who shit less causes a spectacular anger in which the contestants do not leave a puppet with a head. There is no dialogue, there is no coexistence, there is no tolerance and there is no understanding. GH VIP 7 is a trench in the middle of a war that will have many victims. And this has just begun.

Kiko Jimenez vs Mila Ximenez

They are all unhinged! Since last Sunday the program showed Mila Ximénez the images of the dirty and vile betrayal of those she believed her untouchables, Kiko Jiménez and El Cejas -which is betrayal in betrayal and shooting because it touches me-, Guadalix de la Sierra It has been transformed into a half-hair Waterloo. Sálvame's collaborator declared war on Kiko Jiménez, Kiko Jiménez declared it to her and neither will give up on her goal until the other falls.

At the moment, the first battle has been won by Mila Ximénez, who last night won in his duel with Dinio, who ended up being the one expelled by a tight number of votes. Dinio has been the first victim of a war in which he never wanted to enter or at least did not choose a clear side. Yes, he was part of the skull trio, Hugo, Adara and himself , until the expulsion of the first, but later, even placing himself on Adara's side and therefore on Mila's side, he has always looked for those on one side and those of or tro. Last night he paid for not being clear, not choosing who to go with in the battle, but I think that the real reason for his expulsion was, first, Mila Ximénez - the pretty girl from Telecinco - and, above all, that they still cannot fall general because then you have to plating the beach bar.

Kiko Jimenez ended Dinio's "illusion" and was wrong. The master move that he thought he had achieved by climbing last week to the nominees of Mila Ximénez facing three of the strongest, became a crap like a castle. Mila Ximenez , Telecinco and Save Me won the first battle. Mila 1 - Kiko 0 . And if what was seen last night was a deranged house, a house outside itself, a house immersed in a fratricidal war, I do not want to imagine what it will be this week with a Mila grown by her no expulsion and a nominated Kiko Jimenez with Master Joao and the strongest of this edition, Adara.

The execrable confrontations that were lived last night during practically the whole gala are going to be in a walk through the clouds compared to what awaits and awaits us. I swear last night there was a time when someone bites me talk. Such was the cruelty, the abruptness, the tension and the fury that broke out in that house that everything was spread. It is not surprising that Jorge Javier Vázquez ended up jumping through the air and getting hooked on Kiko Matamoros' son, if GH VIP 7 only breathed bad atmosphere and a lot of bad host.

Adara, the target of the attacks

And look that the thing seemed to start quietly with a Mila Ximénez who claimed to be much calmer and more relaxed, but the images of the clashes over the housework ended up popping the powder magazine. How long could they throw themselves away talking about what they screwed up and what they stained each time they went to the bathroom? Since Mila and Adara were in charge of cleaning the bathrooms this week, there was enough reason to attack mercilessly, especially Adara, who gives me that most of the house is already beginning to see as a very strong rival , Not to say the strongest.

It turns out that Kiko Jiménez and El Cejas, the leaders of the house during this week, decided to instruct Mila and Adara to clean the bathroom . As usual in a house where a dozen people live together it is practically impossible for the bathroom to be all day long like the jets of gold. A few drops of pee and a night shit are more than enough for the house to explode . If they are others, Estela says, for example, those who are in charge of the bathroom, the service may already be with more bullshit than the plao a chicken coop that neither God opens his mouth, but as Mila and Adara were, then for them.

It is true that Adara when she wants to be a fly fly knows how to do it perfectly, but it is not acceptable to tell Kiko not to clean the crumbs of the countertop by hand but with a cloth was enough reason to assemble a three-pair pussy of noses. "You're a bum! A dirty one! (...) If you weren't painting your nails all day ... Go take your ass!" , are some of the niceties that came out of the mouth of Kiko Jiménez.

Let's see, let's see ... because I start to be very tired of comment like "you're lazy because you paint your nails" or "comes the day of the gala you paint your lips and make your eye stripe and you come up . " Is it really that we are still at that point? Is it really that brains do not give to defend your arguments without having to fall into such macho comments? Is it really necessary to link that a woman does not do a certain task with which Do you paint your nails? And above all, the one who has been scratching his nose all the Holy Week says it, except for a couple of moments. Well yes, we are still in those.

The bathroom has been cleaned every day without exception , but just the day that Kiko Jiménez decided to give it to Adara was the day the organization closed the bathroom to make certain arrangements. That meant that what had been stained late last day could not be cleaned until the program did not open the area.

Obviously, when it opened it was all the crap the day before. The case was to find the smallest reason to ride the chicken and attack the one that for the majority of the house has become the number one public enemy: Adara. Oh, how scary they are! They are already seeing the ears of the wolf , and what they have left because the Adara-Mila Ximénez union is going to make them pass a real martyrdom.

The Alba Carrillo crack

The cleanliness of the bathroom led to a new confrontation over food. In this case Antonio David and Alba, who were in charge of the kitchen became the new goal of the house. A comment from Dinio in the living room saying he was hungry, I take Gianmarco - yes, yes, Gianmarco is still alive - to go as a sneak from three to a quarter to tell Kiko Jiménez that the house was complaining about the lateness of the kitchen and How bad they cooked. And again, this time between Alba and Adara. That is, according to the association of furniture from GH VIP to Adara only seen when they are the finery, but Alba, that the only thing he does throughout the week is to criticize the rest and point ball, not the mess in the live . And last night he messed up.

He messed up because in this house with the exception of two or three the rest are more false than a Euro with Popeye's face . During the week they hide among their followers and which old women in the curtain are dedicated to gutting the others. As soon as GH VIP shows you the images, it happens what has to happen, that everything jumps through the air.

"She is very sincere and says everything to her face, shit, she adds to all the moves. Before I was indifferent, now I can't stand it, you can't live with this lady. She says that I am known for what I am Well, I’m going to give them what I am, ex-tal and ex-tal . If they all want to scratch. Even if it was for a reality show like her, I’m working on TV and she’s not, now you go and you combs, what a good miss you need. Ole my pussy and my body , that I have been with the people that I have been, you or asking you do not even mind those uncles, to see if they think they are going to catch a chonaca " , dixit Alba, who is now very dignified because she is known for being the former of one and the former of another. So it goes, if this is the best thing you have done in your life, turn off and let's go.

Alba is very eager for Adara because Alba is not stupid and knows that Adara has the support of the audience, so he looks for her and searches again until he makes her jump and fall into the greatest of errors, the disqualifiers .

Adara's despair

Last night Adara ended up crying and I'm not surprised. With the exception of Master Joao, Mila and Dinio the whole house conspired against it. Even Antonio David, who looks like Pope Francis de Guadalix, ended up attacking her mercilessly. "I'm up to the noses of martyrs!" She yelled at him when Adara broke up and started crying trying to explain that she was like this because she was very nervous and could not defend herself. Well, defend yourself knows how to defend yourself perfectly, another thing is that you get all the anger inside because being live is not easy.

"When you try to get close to her, the first thing she always does is start yelling at you or moderating," said El Cejas, who disappeared throughout the gala, when he saw the opportunity to lash out at her. Man, how can he not bite if you are all wolves in sheep's clothing that take advantage of any occasion to attack the one next door. Send noses!

And Dinio was expelled and Mila swore she would stay in the house until the audience wanted. Let's see how long the promise lasts, because this first battle has won it, but to have Kiko Jiménez nominated ... And they said Hugo Castejón, but Kiko Jiménez is just as bad or worse.

In fact, at least Hugo gave some play, but Kiko is only in the house to amend, put more tares and sell a folder that he doesn't believe . Is there really anyone who believes that Kiko and Estela really feel something for each other? Estela I don't know because I don't finish taking the point, but Kiko is playing and just as it was for Mila and Adara, now try to sell that there is something between them. Oh, how much falsehood! Dear Kiko, you take a liar sooner than a lame one.

Jorge Javier, out of his mind

I do not follow that Kiko is not Estela's support and Estela is not Kiko's support, but that they will fall into tremendous nights of passion ... and a milk! None are going to play what they have outside. One, to Sofia Suescun , much more profitable, where will it end, than Estela. And Estela to Diego Matamoros, Diego Matamoros ! The son of Kiko Matamoros. What they want to sell us is that there is something for the audience to get hooked on their roneo. Well, they are not ready or na '.

And they are ready on par. What is it that Estela, as she has no mischief, as she is so turkey, as she is so innocent, is being dragged along by the evil Kiko Jimenez? Well, this is her husband's argument that last night trying to cover up his wife's unfortunate game ended up attacking the contest she accused all night of manipulation. Until Jorge Javier Vázquez and María Zambrano, director of the program, the flats were inflated.

That GH VIP assembles and reassembles the videos is a reality like a temple; that GH VIP puts the videos he wants to show what more audience and content will give them, well also; that they cut logs and focus on the carnaza, of course, but that Estela and Kiko are doing what they are doing because they know how GH VIP works, it's as true as day goes on at night.

So, although Diego Matamoros was very sincere in saying that his wife was loading his contest, the argument that he is loading it because he has no mischief is already very trite. Nor is it a comment that calls too much the intention to be macho. In fact, the comments of Kiko and Antonio David for Adara's makeup and nails seemed much more macho , but as it was necessary to give him yes or yes for spending the whole night accusing the manipulation program because there was Jorge Javier Vázquez, who is afraid to give this.

While Diego Matamoros recognized that Estela's contest was being the one he was being, he justified it by ensuring that he is "a very naive person." The same argument he was with all night, but this time GH VIP , the director and JJ were going to make the most of it. It was the moment of the counterattack. "With that defense you are not leaving your wife well either. Do you not think that Estela is not realizing what is happening? Just as she does not want to cut it, " JJ began to which Matamoros replied that "she is living the house like everyone else, but it lacks mischief and this guy has plenty left over. " Boooooomba!

"Hey, hey, really ... those thoughts are from my parents and my director, María Zambrano, is telling me that it is a very macho attitude ," JJ let go and stayed so comfortable. It is true that they are comments that are part of the so-called micromachisms, that need to show that as the woman is half lela, she needs to be protected and that since she is silly, she does not give more and allows herself to be deceived. No, women are not stupid, nor do we need mischief, nor do we need our partner to defend us using those arguments . The call of attention of Zambrano and JJ was more than justified, the attack of later with JJ outside yes no. Of course he responded to a 'you've been saying all night that we manipulate, because now you're going to screw up'.

"But what does this have to do with machismo? What does this have to do with machismo, María Zamabrano? This seems to me exaggerated . I don't know what this has of sexist. It seems to me macho when you say that a girl and a because you are handsome, you have to be having sex and a folder. That is really macho. And now I am going to talk to María Zambrano, "replied Diego Matamoros, visibly altered.

"Diego, very bad. You are leaving her very badly and what María Zambrano is saying is absolutely right. It is that you stand as protector of your wife and your wife does not need a protector because your wife does what she wants . And if you think that what we are doing are manipulations and you take those machirulo attacks, you don't hit anything here. " Zas!

"At what time did I say they are manipulations?" , replied Diego Matamoros (son, all night), while JJ replied that he thought thoughts like Matamoros were overcome: "I think it is to treat women as if they were clumsy people. You can see what you want or not and it can bother you because you are her husband and because the images are not pleasant to see, no matter how modern we are, but everyone knows perfectly what is happening. And if one feels annoying, cut because he knows what he has outside " . And point ball. You didn't want milk, take two cups .

It is true that later they became such friends again, but the one who warns is not a traitor . The outbreak of JJ was the warning that here it is not going to be allowed that nobody says that it is manipulated. That Diego Matamoros' argument is macho, yes it is, but so is Kiko Jiménez's attitude or Antonio David's words and I don't see María Zambrano or JJ jumping as they jumped with Diego. "The justice of Don Benito, who hanged the man and then investigated the crime . "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Big Brother
  • GH VIP
  • Telecinco
  • Jorge Javier Vazquez

Anabel Pantoja, expelledThe "disgusting show" of GH VIP: "There are lines that are being exceeded"

MomenTVSGH VIP: The cruel torment of Antonio David Flores

Mila, Adara and Dinio, nominated The "death sentence" of GH VIP and the stab no one expected