The Christian Democrats' party board has decided to work towards “narrowing the public service mission”, and thus that SR, SVT and UR should focus on their core mission rather than broad entertainment. This is what KD's party secretary Peter Kullengren writes in a debate article in Dagens Nyheter.

In the debate article, the party believes that over the years the public service business has developed outside the core, and that it is time for SVT to change its structure:

“In a world of Spotify, iTunes and podcasts - do we still have exactly the same need for state radio? When the entire world of television entertainment is on our smart phones - should SVT maintain exactly the same layout as before? ”Writes Peter Kullengren in DN.

Do not want to see advertising funding

KD believes that much of what public service companies do can be done by commercial media and wants companies to focus primarily on what "would be substandard without public service": regional news, children's culture, major Swedish drama productions that are not cover. and the national minorities.

In September, the Moderates opened to investigate whether public service should be partly financed by advertising. A proposal presented at the party's party meeting in mid-September. However, the proposal for advertising financing does not support KD, emphasizes Peter Kullengren in the debate article.

“Ad financing leads to maximization of the audience segments that the market forces find most attractive. Emphasis is placed on programs aimed at young influential consumers ”