The film, which is still in its infancy, is a collaboration between Studiocanal, Heyday Films and Astrid Lindgren Company. The two first mentioned companies are among other things behind the "Paddington" films. Heyday has also made films such as "Gravity", "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and "Harry Potter".

"We are confident that we have found a team that can understand and appreciate Pippi Långstrump's full value and develop a film that can capture both the playfulness and the weight of my grandmother's work," says Nils Nyman, Astrid Lindgren's granddaughter and CEO of Astrid Lindgren Film , in a press release.

Producer for the film is David Heyman, Jeffrey Clifford and Rosie Alison. No actors have been released.

The first three books on Pippi Longstock were published between 1945 and 1948. They have been translated into 77 languages ​​and sold in over 66 million copies.