After separating from his companion and failing to marry her, a lazy musician who is unable to join a six-year band Dave (Alexander England) turns to his sister, spends his days with her son Felix (Diesel La Toraca), speaks rude to him, hears the most rude words, and plays games. Zombie video (a clear introduction to what comes next).

One day Dave takes his nephew Felix to school, where he meets children's teacher Caroline (Lupita Nyongo). Dave likes Caroline. She plans to take her students on a school trip to a park, which happens to happen next to a US military base in Australia containing zombies. Let us know why the base is not Australian ?!

The supervisor of the trip withdraws, Dave takes the opportunity to accompany Caroline, and of course the creatures come out of the base, and on Caroline with Dave, whose heart relates more to her, and a television presenter specializing in children's programs played by Josh Gad, collaborate to save themselves and children from zombie creatures. This is the basic story of Little Monsters, a good-looking movie, but he doesn't know where his audience is.

The film mixes romance with horror and comedy, not subtly, but it will certainly find its fans in the category of horror or adult comedy. The only surprising thing about Australian bloody comedy, written and directed by Aib Forsyth, is Nyongo's commitment and dedication to the role.

Caroline has two priorities: maintaining her students, being careful not to know the seriousness of the situation they are going through, and how close they are to death. The teacher pretends to her students that escaping the zombies is a game, explaining how to play, and explaining the blood staining her clothes as nothing but a strawberry jam. Forsyth's film is about Dave's maturity. Can this lazy win the heart of Caroline? Or rather, can we take care of a young man presented at the beginning of the film screaming in the face of his companion and sister, and address children obscenely? Dave is selfish and disgusting, like all the foolish characters that appear in similar films, but the audience will not accept a love affair or even a friendly between him and a perfect heroine, so the character Teddy (Gad) has developed worse than Dave to create the desired balance in the text.

There is a conflict in the tone of the film. In spite of all that the logic of the film simulates children more than others, because the hero and heroine to save them from the zombies.

In other words, if we cancel the presence of children, we will still have a film about the invasion of Zombie.If we canceled the zombie, we have a film about a lazy young man who falls in love with a teacher.This is enough to make a good romantic film, if his dialogues are written in a funny comic, and the attitudes with children will form his backbone.

Why are zombies in the movie? The only answer is that zombies are a cinematic wanted commodity and sell themselves to their large audience.

Or Forsyth could have eliminated violence and obscenity and made a family film, but the man thinks commercially, targeting zombie lovers in particular, and the adult audience in general.

Forsyth stated that he wrote the film because of his interest in his child, who suffers from all sorts of food allergies, such as the child's character Felix. If we take this point into account, and think about Dave, Felix and Caroline only without Zombie, we will have a rich film in terms of its themes.

"Little monsters" are not serious enough to put children in danger, yet he wants us to care for them, without the work required to do so.

We can consider the film a modest update of George Romero's classic 1968 film Night of the Living Dead, which launched the wave of zombie films, but “small monsters are not that serious and not scary either. Forsyth asks patience from his audience for Dave, a big demand because the character is foolish. England is doing its best to win the sensations of a gentle and smart teacher, but the end result is too big for an unloved character, who is trying hard to get into the heart of the audience. The second half of the whole movie about zombies, and a lot of repetition occurs, and the film runs out of fuel before we come to an end. Nyongo, although an assistant, is the one who carries and saves the film. Watch this movie if you're looking for an adult comedy or a zombie fan, no matter what their level. Nyongo is one of the best actresses of the decade. .

This film is not a masterpiece, and the director does not have the talent required to make a horror film, not even a comedy, but it is at least viewable by zombie lovers. American singer Tyler Swift refused to give permission for the filmmakers to use one of her songs, but Nyongo, who fell in love with Caroline's character (sometimes called herself Audrey), contacted Swift personally and got permission.

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This film is not a masterpiece, and the director does not have the talent required to make a horror film, not even a comedy, but it is at least viewable by zombie lovers.