RTVE is also more than a club and less than a public radio broadcast of all. RTVE is the prolongation of the political battle, the object of all desires, the mother of all the TVs, the means that Spain must create, despite the fact that in little more than a year it has been abandoned to the fate of its drift. Although I feel tempted, I don't write these lines to defend fellow Enric from the pack , who also knew how to resist separatist totalitarian harassment. But I am embarrassed by some shame about how some of the people who have received him with slaps on the back are sent to the slaughterhouse because it provides them with the perfect alibi to continue handling the threads of Radio Televisión Española in the shade. I write to defend what has been my home in the last 30 years, and to share knowledge of the cause from the purgatory of freedom that assists me as a journalist and as a Spaniard.

In RTVE there have always been external signings, which should not be taken as an offense to workers, but as the sum of talent except for clear examples in everyone's mind. What we must denounce is that double standards be applied based on political interests , that it is considered "parallel wording" to eleven hired by the previous management and not to the one hundred of this stage, that is practiced with radical belligerence or soft moderate touch the mourning of the black according to who governs, that the former would be classified as intolerable information manipulation and what is now exalted as the force of true journalism. At the end of the day we are all partners in search of the truth, moral and ethical principle of the journalistic profession as fundamental as the policy to preserve a full and just democracy.

The recent addition to RTVE is neither better nor worse than the previous ones; It just seems inappropriate for the moment and the ways. It is executed by an Administrator who, under the digital disguise of the government decree, presented herself as provisional and sole with the parliamentary sum of the motion whose majority no longer serves now for governance . He names him that provisional and unique eternity whose true objective was always to perpetuate himself despite causing the greatest crisis in the history of RTVE with the episode of the debates of 28-A when direct orders from Moncloa were demonstrated. It is done by twisting the flowchart to overcome the reluctance of the Information Council, which has delicately, carefully and with little hurry mounted a telematic referendum for fellow Enric.

It is consummated by generating a new management position that usurps and overlaps the functions of the radio, television and web news addresses , a plan rejected by the previous Directorate as well as the transfer from Torrespaña to Prado del Rey. We proceed in the preamble of other elections, without the Board of Directors or parliamentary control, with a dying public contest that will perish in the cold funeral of the courts.

The position of Director of Information and News is created, as certain ceases would have now caused another fire of biblical proportions before November 10. And it is part of a war for the control of the news that includes the dismissal of the director of Spanish Television, the maintenance of the segregation of hundreds of professional audience leaders and the premature offer of electoral debates in full contact round of the King and before of the dissolution of the Cortes that now happens.

We all feel respect for a relevant career in the written press. But it is a lack of respect for the 6400 RTVE workers to present the signing of fellow Enric as the digital salvation of public radio and television given his audiovisual experience. It is true that this does not disqualify him, because he seems to be a dialogist who is advised to advise and that surely transforms the so-called purge in a sum of relief, in an objective plurality the videos of insult to Casado and Rivera broadcast in the previous pre-campaign on the 24-hour Channel, in proportionality the distribution of electoral times, and in equality of informative treatment what since the change has been described by the majority of the media as "scandalous bias". It does not disqualify him that all opposition parties, including Podemos, point him as a political appointment, placing him in a derogatory spectrum as legitimate as others because we all know that angels have no sex. Gossip or thunder do not disable him, because every professional must be judged by his work and not by the presumptions of partisan discredit.

However, I want to publicly sincere to ask with tormented doubts and fears if what is published is true , if it is true that it was you, comrade Enric, the manager who referred Moncloa to the leader of the third political force to protest having been excluded from face to face with Sánchez in the offer made by RTVE before the next general elections. I really say that I find it hard to believe it, but here is one more example that serves to understand that the Spanish political party plays an important part of the Spanish political party without compassion.

I finish now to say that Spanish Radio Television needs an opportunity. It is understood that Parliament will reconsider after the elections a clean and safe public contest, which will take time, to name the new RTVE dome with equal scales for all from the beginning. It is guessed who may be the one chosen to replace Rosa María Mateo , but first the parliamentary route by true consensus proceeds through a joint joint project with a transversal distribution of responsibilities. And RTVE is expected to return to all Spaniards and all their professionals so that the audience and prestige return to public radio and television, without cursed interviews like Otegui's and without lying about the shooting of 14 nuns in 1936 that did not disappear by magic.

Regardless of the outcome of the suitability referendum, I am sure of the collective commitment to carry out the challenge of a viable RTVE. And I warn you, comrade Enric, against those who usually crucify the undersigned because they are really more enemies of yours than mine, as enemies of RTVE as the revenge rage that confuses political trench with unfair media competition.

Jenaro Castro is a Spanish Television journalist (TVE).

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  • We can
  • Rosa María Mateo
  • Spain

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