The other day on the set of Public Mirror, remembering that in the population of the Forum, from Francisco de Quevedo , with one hand they hug you and with the other they tear you apart, I asked Pablo Iglesias that how one of Vallecas has let himself be removed portfolio for one of Cuatro Caminos. While addressing the confessional of Sussana Griso , he replied: Let's see who, in the end, is the one who loses. "It's not that Pedro Sánchez has just winked his wallet; it's that he left it in gayumbos, while he sleeps on his leg He looses in Moncloa with the sweetest food for him from the table of life: power, Pablo Iglesia now calls him a liar at all times and the president perpetrates the splitting of the true populist.Afternoon Pablo discovered that the most damaging producers are the most close by and that Íñigo Errejón , with his headbutt Ernesto Laclau and the scouts of Ferraz, prepared the apotheosis of disloyalty.The new social democracy prefers populists or supremacists rather than reds.To Errejón, the PSOE awaits you: you can reach commander.

At the time when citizens vote for energetic, self-centered, ill-educated politicians, capable of throwing emigrants into the sea, Pedro Sánchez maintains the forms, conceals his arrogance, but has evolved from narcissistic chupacamaras , to hard politicians, willing to go calling elections, by criadillas, until he wins them.

In spite of his insolence there are those who believe that it is not so clear that the nougat is eaten in Moncloa. Uncertainty grows in a drowsy and confusing country. The gallant has shown expertise and audacity in the art of deceiving his adversaries by getting them to take him to the presidency and appropriating the merit of those who accuse him of lying. It has been said that the XXI is the century of political lies and that the lie has been democratized, but it will still be very difficult for Sánchez to convince his alleged voters that Pablo Iglesias has closed the way to a socialist government, allying with the right. All this happens when millions of Spaniards doubt who to vote in a show in which no party has stopped overacting and thinking about itself, and not in Spain, which continues to fall apart. Monocolor and bipartisanship want to reappear, absolute majorities are hard to conquer, coalition governments fail. Surveys announce results similar to those of the last consultations. What is certain is that Pedro Sánchez became a centrist, while fragmented rights and lefts appear at the ends of the transfiguration.

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  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Vallecas
  • PSOE
  • Iñigo Errejón
  • Spain
  • Columnists

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