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Comparing yourself to a goddess (or a god) is one of the worst things that can be done in 'fitness' (or in any other scenario). Training with the aim of getting Jennifer Lopez's ass, the legs of an Victoria's Secret angel, Chris Hemsworth's armies or Aitor Leisure's abdomen is not only nonsense of the championship but it will lead us to the frustration and abandonment

. But to what extent do we have to believe it?

Beyond touch-ups in the operating room or photoshop aids, it is undeniable that Demi Moore is impressive at 56. Contemplating how a lifetime of good habits and well-planned physical activity bear fruit can be inspiring but ... how far point do we have to believe it? And ... to what extent can we earthly beings keep our best version come to maturity?


His was overnight. That young woman with a naive face and carded bangs in her eighties who joined Rob Lowe in 'Do you remember last night?' He transformed into a mass of muscles to get Lieutenant O'Neil's tight skin out of work in the gym.

They say that, at that time, Demi got up every day at 4 in the morning to run through Central Park (New York) and then crush himself with brutal abdominal routines, push-ups with one arm and different weight exercises.

This is how the legend was born, but are those military routines (among other things) really the 'culprits' of Demi Moore showing that great body at 56? "What is clear is that to reach this age, you have to have a privileged genetics because we all have a tendency in our DNA," says coach Carmen Moreno (@fitmoreno).

To this raw material must be added the 'sports history' of each. "People who have practiced sports for a large part of their life maintain a muscular memory that, as soon as it is reactivated, reacts much more quickly and effectively than in sedentary people. That may be the case of the actress who, as published in social networks, has been crushing in the gym for some years. "

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"Feeding is a very important factor in maintaining that healthy aspect. Also rest, because if we start training as beasts and dieting but we get enough sleep we prevent cell regeneration from occurring. We are gradually oxidizing ourselves."


Demi Moore is great, but what does Carmen Moreno recommend to reach our best possible version at maturity? "First of all, look for the personalized recommendations of an expert. That is, the plan as it best suits our needs, motivation, age, physical condition, etc."

Moreno recalls the importance of finding "the physical activity that best suits our goals or temporary availability." And, of course, to have fun. "From the 50, more than ever, we have to do things that have fun, that encourage us ... to be disheveled! Because if it is a sacrifice we will stop doing it because we already have a selective brain that discards what that doesn't satisfy him. " In ZEN it seems an unbeatable plan, by the way.


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