I am not with those who rule on a video that does not exceed a few seconds. Decisions to dispense with the services of citizens, such as drinking water, or as the minister said: «Finch».

I may not agree with those who call for dealing with the citizen employee as if he is coming down from heaven. Where he works we say: «Finch», and when it is a bad example of the citizen «Finch», but what about the hundreds of complaints filed by citizens against the private sector? What about oppression against them? What about the low salaries and the lack of incentives in this sector? Where are the solutions to these problems? Are there punishments or actions taken against the violators, or is the «Tnfish» based on the principle: «Who loves the Prophet hits» ?!

What has recently emerged on the surface proves that the solution is neither theoretical nor the talk, if there is no accountability for every defendant, accomplice and warrior of the citizens. What happens in some quarters is with the blessing and encouragement of a few unscrupulous and unscrupulous in this file. The citizen fights with the foreigner, where he gives full powers to the foreigner, to dominate the rest of the employees, the result will be resignations and escape and frustration.

If every official and director did his duty towards the homeland and the citizen, the problem of unemployment would be solved. But as the poet says: Even a fire blown out lit up ... But you blow in ashes.

In the recent period, it has been proven that the solution is not theoretical, or verbal, if there is no accountability.


Twitter: @almzoohi

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