I arrive in Barajas after a twenty-seven hour trip. I run home, take a shower, empty my suitcase, put on the news and pinch myself. Perhaps what comes to my eyes and ears is the result of that psychotropic drug they call jetlag : a hallucination, a nightmare, a delirium, a new fake . Innocent, I don't believe. The date does not fit. Senile dementia? I touch wood. The truth is that the presenter leaves me stunned by giving the news that the Government of the Basque Country, eager to promote equality between representatives of the male and female sex, is preparing to enlighten a law that regulates the size and distribution of the rooms in the houses . The kitchens, for example, will have to measure seven meters of surface so that with that slack, superior, it seems, to the usual, the men are encouraged, put an end to their secular neglect in the performance of domestic tasks, wield the pans , take the mocho, scrub the dishes and lend a hand to your ladies, who will stop deserving the saints' confectionery. The measure, as expected, has been welcomed both by them and by them with disbelief and hilarity, not to say open hoaxing. It will also be prohibited that the bedrooms have a different size and design so that the children do not feel discriminated against the authors of their days or, if any, their grandparents. After all, the legislator says, taking it for granted, they will not leave home until they are thirty years old. They say that Ortega said, after a brawl with Salvador de Madariaga , that his opponent was dumb in more than four languages. It seems that the phrase is apocryphal, but it comes to the hair. How do you say asshole in Basque? The dictionary does not clarify it, because asshole there, according to Sabino Arana, only maketos are . I don't get mad at the Basques. Maybe the asshole applied to those who conceived the measure in question is somewhat excessive, but the truth is that asshole in more than one language - Spanish and Basque - is the ideal qualifier for such a stupid and totalitarian bill, as well as inapplicable , like the one that materialized in front of me wrapped in the mists of the jetlag . The Bolsheviks and the Maoists did something similar in their respective countries. In Russian or Chinese I don't know, but that, in Christian, is called getting into soup. Another abuse of democracy , alleged guarantor of freedom.

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