NONE of the patriots who have forced the return to the polls coldly calculated the dangers of caprice. They prefer voter polls, and we already know that they are scarcely the same. The survey leads to an ideal reality that mixes a vague joy with a soft melancholy. And so there is no policy that is worth it. The surveys are sentimental and the feelings, Juan Ramón Jiménez well warned, are usually an atmospheric issue. These elections will go with the setting sun.

The raw is not to return, but to have them ineffective in the goal. This is a very political political porn where there is no more analysis, because the grace to speculate and libido has greatly decreased. Voting will be, again, the penultimate debauchery. Someone said it the other day on the terrace of Santos with beautiful authority: «I will go to vote as many times as necessary. His faults will not lead to mine. They, sooner or later, will fail. Someday they will stop leading, others will come, and I will continue voting. This is how fate works. And voting is my part of the negotiated . I know it's little, but I'm not going to spoil it for some incapable. It almost convinces me.

If the four Daffodils throwing the dice against us looked at the surface of a pond they would see their own ruin reflected. Every morning they leave the grave to throw some words in the air, just in case it sneaks. That is what they call a story, which is such a bastard word that it is worth returning to its meaning of a story. They will pile up noise in the election campaign , startle talk, grammatical bulks, they will sell the smoke of I don't know what strategies. And after what happened we will confirm that we can also call it drift .

Our random leaders (random and random), a symptom of a generation that is mine, are already interchangeable. I fear the worst on November 11, and that is the same as what we have experienced. Repeat the option of a Government with the four buttons of the shirt torn and we paying the tailor's bill.

In the dark grill of Spanish politics almost everyone is burned without burning. They talk uncontrollably, gesture, lie, hinder their only mission and we all get screwed. They left the party without paying. They have left a government to duty and those things are not forgotten. One that seemed left, but until the end you never know. After wasting time, we just need to lose space. How dirty everything.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • General elections
  • Madrid
  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • Citizens

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