Disparity lawsuit for 1 vote in the Upper House Tokyo will go to high court on September 30th, September 20th, 17:33

However, in the House of Councilors elections in July, lawyers and other groups are seeking to invalidate the election, saying that there was a divergence of up to about three times in the value of one vote for each constituency in violation of the constitution. The Tokyo High Court decided to pass the ruling on the 30th of next month.

In the House of Councilors elections in July, however, there was a maximum difference of about three times in the number of voters per member of parliament in the value of one vote for each constituency. "It was a breach," he filed a lawsuit against the high courts and high court branches throughout the country calling for invalidation of all district elections.

Of these, the Tokyo High Court decided to give a ruling on the 30th of next month for a trial seeking invalidation of elections in ten districts of Tokyo and Kanagawa.

Last year, the National Assembly revised the Public Office Election Law and increased the number of elected seats from “3” to “4” in Saitama constituency, where there were the most voters per member until the last time.

Attention is paid to how the courts judge these efforts.