Poor Spaniards Half of life fighting hunger and the other half against fat; half of our existence fighting against Catholic puritanism; the other half, against political puritanism. There is an uncompromising, inquisitorial attitude in some organizations that have established an index, so far resistible, against the new enemies of the people. The pulpit is in the covachas, connected to social networks where a progressive current no longer wants to change the world but the passions.

Puritanism is a frightening fear that someone will have fun practicing sex: "For rigorists," Mencken wrote, "the heart and lungs are very noble; the liver is already less; the spleen is suspicious; the prostate grows from respectability; and the sexual organs are frankly indecent.

Tenorio was released every fall and in this one, electoral and moralist, the one who speaks with rubble, will hardly appear in some capitals. Don Juan defies the dead but has failed with the living. It is not fashionable to be a man; and the ligones, the sobones and the exits, which are millions, will end in chirona.

It is necessary to be cool to face the moral of the time and Don Juan Tenorio, so braggy, tries to return to the Hostería del Laurel, but they no longer let him. Only in two or three cities will they represent that rude sacramental self. As Arturo Pérez-Reverte wrote, every year he is censored more by misogynist, for being a heartless guy who mediates with deception. But the academic warns that there is nothing more stupid than looking at the past with the exclusive eyes of the present. «Don Juan Tenorio, the work that effectively picked up a classical literary tradition by updating it with a dazzling varnish of populist romanticism for the general public, must be seen as what it is, or was, enjoying in its context».

If this continues, most writers of the Golden Age will go to the new index. Quixote may be saved, where the woman is treated with delicacy and respect, but the gag will reach Calderón de la Barca , who wrote: «Know the spinning woman, sew and patch. That there is no need to know grammar or make verses ». The new Puritanism would have to organize a faith car, to the ruthless and macho Francisco de Quevedo . Nor would the generation of 98 be saved from burning; perhaps they will pardon Baroja because he wrote that the book of the Exercises of Saint Ignatius was the production of a poor fanatic, ignorant and superstitious.

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