The TV movie "Colombine", whose main character is played by the star of the small screen Corinne Masiero, has collected on TF1 4.8 million viewers. Far ahead of the Six, who managed to gather 3.2 million French in front of a new episode of "Love is in the meadow".

TF1 ranked yesterday at the top of hearings with Colombine , a TV movie event hosted by Corinne Masiero. As a reminder, star of Captain Marleau and its 8 million faithful on France 3, the actress is nothing less than the popesse of French fiction. That's to say if Columbine's score, where she plays a good punk sister, was expected. On average, 4.8 million viewers spent the evening with Colombine, or 24% of the public.

Not surprisingly, M6 is second with a new issue of L'amour est dans le pré , the show by Karine Le Marchand that follows farmers in search of love. Yesterday, the most rural issue of the Six could count on the fidelity of 3.2 million French, which represents 16% of audience share.

W9 exceeds France 3, which makes a very poor score

France 2 is third with the launch of the British crime series The Bay , an unblemished fiction about the disappearance of twins on the west side of England. 2.6 million viewers were at the rendezvous, or 12.4% of the public.

W9 is in fourth place, with its replay of the US disaster film Deepwater about the 2010 Deepwater Horizon crash in the Gulf of Mexico. The channel has reached 1.8 million people in front of the small screen ( 5.3% of the public).

Fifth, France 3 is at the foot of the podium with its movie night. La Trois who gave pride of place to French cinema yesterday since it proposed a replay of the comedy drama Dialogue with my gardener , which includes Jean-Pierre Darroussin and Daniel Auteuil. Even a small score: the channel has gathered only one million moviegoers (4.9% of the public (.