Some spend a lot of their time on things that do no good, and although we talk a lot about everything and all the time, but we keep silent when talking is required, and talk a lot when silence is the best option, especially in relationships with family members and parents Friends, who act as the wall and the safety net of the human being, are supposed to be close to the human being the most understanding, caring and tolerant, but in our Arab culture there is a big contradiction and gap between what we think we are and what we are already, we say colloquially «forgiveness is generous» but we do not forgive , We believe that we have combined Wa goals Sharpness and very one but we are in diaspora.

A simple example of incomprehensible contradictions is the speed of judging the other without understanding all dimensions and without accepting any excuses. That the other party impersonates him seventy full excuse.

Often, in the event of misunderstanding or discord, the initial solution is to give the subject some time before dialogues and disputes and to seek evidence to support our words, but we choose to speak and add insult to injury, but go too far in escalation and our dignity is inflamed unnecessarily severe, and may turn The verse in another situation, surprised the other party stops talking and takes a sharp position without a clear justification and without explanation, and the whole story may be a misunderstanding or a word or a tale from a third party, but the person decided that all assumptions are correct and took a hostile position irreversibly, He chose silence while speech and dialogue were the best option L in such situations.

According to the Digital Information World, the Arab world's population spends almost three hours and ten minutes a day on social media, especially the 16-24 age group. What if we spend part of this time talking to each other face to face, and trying to understand each other.

I have seen many situations in which people decided to boycott other people because of a post on Facebook, it was understood that the author of the post concerned and taunts him, without even checking the hypothesis.

It seems that we are catching mistakes for each other, and are keen to build walls between us instead of building bridges of communication, understanding and compassion, perhaps the solution is that everyone cares about him and let the king to the owner and find something useful to invest his time.

Often, when misunderstandings or discord occur, the initial solution is to give the subject some time before dialogues and disagreements.


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