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You have even your own name, flyskam , or feel ashamed to fly by plane because of the pollution it causes. It is the movement, emerged in Sweden, where the name comes from, it has more and more followers among the defenders of a sustainable world where ecological awareness prevails. And it is that more than 120,000 flights transported 12 million people every day throughout the planet, which represents 8% of the planet's emissions . Within the tourism sector, flights generate 20% of global pollution.

As an example, a flight between London and New York produces the same pollutant emissions as heating a house for a whole year, according to data from the European Commission itself. And one of the consequences to the impact of aviation on climate change is this flyskam movement. Moreover, in 2018, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) conducted a survey in Sweden, where the idea was born, and 23% of citizens were willing not to fly in order not to score points to global pollution.

Pride of traveling by train

In addition, two of its thrusters, Maja Rosen (who decided to definitively stop flying last year) and Lotta Hammar, have also promoted a campaign not to incite not to fly next year, Flygfritt 2020, already supported in nine countries.

Not surprisingly, a plane pollutes up to 20 times more than a train, according to data provided by the European Environment Agency. Or what is the same: a person traveling on rails emits 14 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer compared to 285 grams emitted if they do it by plane. And not only that, because when airplanes burn fuel they release water vapor and nitrous oxide, more greenhouse gases that increase pollution.

The Swedish activist Maja Rosen, one of the promoters of the 'flygskam'.

Hence, the most environmentally aware prefer to bet on the train when traveling and that, in recent years, this means of transport has grown. Not surprisingly, in contrast to flyskam another phenomenon has emerged, tagskryt , that is, pride of traveling by train. In Sweden, for example, one in five people increased their trips on board the latter in 2018.


Faced with such practices, it is not surprising that celebrities such as Elton John himself decided to contribute his grain of sand to non-contamination when he invited the Dukes of Sussex to the French Riviera this summer aboard his private jet. What did? Pay the necessary contribution of carbon footprints issued by your device. It should not be forgotten that the use of private airplanes implies an emission level almost 10 times higher than that of any commercial aircraft.

In Spain, the Tourism Board has already warned that flyskam should not be "undervalued", since "current social movements have become motivators of social action and have the capacity to influence the decisions of governments and international organizations ". For its part, the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT) has also drawn attention to the phenomenon fearing its growth.

Moreover, in countries such as France, Belgium and the Netherlands, they propose tax measures that encumber air travel. In the first of them, for example, they talk about applying a tax to each plane ticket, which would mean an increase of between 1.5 and 18 euros. According to the European Commission, this type of encumbrances (whether on tickets, kerosene or VAT ), would reduce the volume of the air sector by 11%. And this is only the beginning...

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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