Before, the progressives were cinephiles and called capitalism what they now call nephiliberalism ; It is finer, less archaic. They describe neoliberalism as a system that allows thieves to monitor themselves and prevent the return of Keynesianism. Figures of neoliberalism were the T hatcher and Reagan ; Fidel was a counter-figure who said in a long speech that neoliberalism was the formula to plunder the people. Juan Carlos Monedero said in an interview in the Fourth Power that social democracy was in Europe the great articulator of neoliberal processes and that the betrayal of social democracy has made the EU the caricature it has become and the great container of the fascism. "The PSOE - he added - is closer to the right than to the people and does its best because We can disappear." He who was one of the founders of Podemos does not rule out a new 15-M.

In the daily litany, the lefts blame the neo-liberals for the welfare state cuts and even for the disintegration of the polar caps. Against that neo-liberalism, that anti-European populism broke out with the shout of Beppe Grillo : " Non si può lie per semper al popolo senza rises conseguenze ". According to the story of the extreme left, a gang of thieves has taken power in globalization and travels in a Rolls-Royce limousine, while an immense army of the poor has no money to change the pineapples. They blame the neoliberal EU for the effect called, it supports the free movement of capital and not that of desperate emigrants. Monedero says in that same interview that Spain has put concertinas that are almost concentration camps.

For Podemos, emigrants are the new slaves, although according to Marx , without slavery there would be no cotton and without cotton there would be no industry. It is the fault of neoliberalism, or that history recalls, the truth is that every day we stumble upon a rider, a slave on a bicycle, Spanish or emigrant, with a box on his back in which he carries hot food. He works 12 hours a day playing life and pays for the phone, the bike and even the cashier. Thousands of women from Peru, Colombia, Honduras and the Dominican Republic arrive without papers, with the trip paid by the mafias and live four or five in the same bed until they manage to be internal in some house to be able to send, of the little they earn, More than half of their children left in their countries. It is the new slavery: patent floors, illegal emigrants, garbage contracts, intermittent unemployed, precarious jobs, postmodern slaves, new trafficking, and the increasingly neo-liberal PSOE.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • We can
  • PSOE
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Peru
  • Beppe Grillo
  • Juan Carlos Monedero
  • Europe
  • Spain
  • Colombia
  • Columnists

'Riverales' and liberal comments

Cinnamon Fine Politicians, Shame

On the other hand, diverse but convergent