The message that SVT's program Go'kväll deletes its book reviews with the reviewer Ingalill Mosander, who has given book tips to the program's more than 800,000 viewers every week, has stirred sharp criticism. Now, the program's responsible publisher confirms that the book tips will return next season.

- The book tips will be back by January, says Bengt Strömbro.

That this message comes now, is it because of the criticism that has been directed at Go'kväll?

- No, that's been the idea all along.

But if that's been the idea all along, why haven't you come out with it?

- That is a good question. I have wanted to make sure that what I say is consistent with the Go'kväll editorial planning.

Strong reactions

Following the announcement that the book reviews would be absent from the program, the reactions have been strong. Many viewers have heard of SVT's viewer service and a number of cultural journalists, cultural editors and publishers have criticized. Bengt Strömbro tells the Culture News that even though the criticism has been tough, the commitment to the importance of literature monitoring in the program also shows.

- The qualified literature review has been a sign of Go'kväll in the audience, and we are very proud of that. Although it is tough to get criticism, it is at the same time a receipt confirming what we have always known. That the reading tips are an important part of Gokväll, and we have never claimed anything else, says Bengt Strömbro.

How is your relationship with Ingalill Mosander after what happened?

- I and the editorial staff are genuinely sad that our relationship with Ingalill is damaged. We have nothing but deepest respect and gratitude for all that she has done for Go'kväll and our viewers, he says.