There are overlaps and overlaps between local departments, and this is normal, the work carried out by the departments are complementary to each other, for example, building permits only with the consent of more than a government entity, as well as permits to start any business activity only with the approval of a number of departments, and so many transactions are related to more On the one hand, the consent of more than one hand is required.

Not only that, but the department itself requires the approval of several departments in it to end any transaction, and this is also normal, given the different specialties and work of each department, and therefore obtaining approval, requires the study of all departments, and obtain the consent of all, however. Finishing transactions often does not require a long time, especially with the introduction of technology, and the diligence of local departments in facilitating and simplifying procedures, and the deployment of common service centers under one roof .. But there is something else.

What if a transaction is refused to a reviewer, or two circles disagree on a transaction, one agreeing and the other objecting? What if any reviewer is affected by the delay in his transaction, which causes him a financial loss? What if there is a misunderstanding in the interpretation of any legal article between the references and the government? What if any disagreement occurs?

Who is authorized to resolve disputes between auditors and government service providers? It is inconceivable that each constituency is the opponent and the referee, and it is inconceivable for the auditor to lodge a complaint with the same party that he feels is wronged or damaged because it does not make sense, but the reality confirms that this is exactly what is happening now!

Tens of thousands of transactions are done daily in various departments, so it is normal that some differences or errors occur, and it is normal that some errors can be solved in the simple department, but it is also natural that there are big mistakes, and cause losses or financial damage to the auditors , Especially commercial transactions, so it makes sense to have a «neutral» study the differences, and check the laws, and return the right to its owners, and its decisions are binding on all parties, this party, despite the importance of its existence, but it does not exist!

I fully understand that there are courts that any victim can resort to, and that there is an executive council in each emirate that supervises the work of local departments, but the nature of problems, complaints and disputes in transactions is not commensurate with the work of compressed courts mainly from cases and their abundance, as well as executive boards pressed by strategic, supervisory and planning There is no room to go into the details of the daily disputes in the departments, and it is inconceivable that these problems remain unresolved, so it is necessary to one hand, or a committee, or a center for the resolution of disputes between auditors and government departments, and not a requirement to be inflated in the building and the number of its members. N has its members resolve disputes and restore the right to the validity of the owners, and no doubt that his presence will ease a lot of pressure on the shoulders of the government and reviewers alike.

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