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There are more and more vending machines for almost everything. From flowers to ice cream, underpants or wine. Each item designed for a specific need. And more and more travel proposals are proliferating, focused on traveling with children. If we put the two ideas together, the vending machines of children's products arise, from diapers to vegetable pots, pacifiers, bodysuits or a nail clipper size XXS .

Hospitals, schools and above all airports are committed to this type of service to parents, who sometimes have to improvise when traveling with the smallest of the house. The idea has been working successfully in the United States for years, where companies such as WegoBabies are responsible for dispensing formula milk, mother's teat cups , special pillows, sunscreen , baby yogurts or wet wipes to parents. They have two different departments: one heated for food and items that need refrigeration and another for clothing and other utensils.

There is no shortage of healthy snacks for those who are no longer as babies because not everything is going to be chocolate bars and chips. Not surprisingly, companies such as Ella's Kitchen have started working in the United Kingdom with healthy foods designed for the little ones: from fruit to gluten-free bread snacks, pea burgers and purees without added sugars. Those that offer toys already have more years of experience.

As for children's products, they are now beginning to settle in Europe. One of the last airports to join the initiative is that of Munich, which has installed a vending machine for child care. The fact that boats with liquids that can pass through airport controls cannot exceed 100 milliliters has made these machines increasingly in demand. Therefore, Spanish airfields such as Madrid or Barcelona are valuing the proposal, although it is still a chimera to find them. In Spain, one of the pioneer centers has been the maternal hospital of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, but there are still few places to find this type of items.

Vending machines for children's products and healthy snacks.

"It is a good advance and an aid for any unforeseen family that happens in an airport" admits Francisco Campillos, responsible of marketing of the portal Felicesvacaciones.es. "Every day the number of families traveling n long distances with young children increases , these details make it easier for parents to take care of their children during a trip. If airports begin to install these machines, children will undoubtedly accompany their children parents on their trips much more. "

Zoos, museums, hotels, cruises, shopping centers and theme parks are also increasing their presence. The products are described on a screen before being purchased and card payment can be made. Unlike other machines, the products do not fall, but fall carefully on a small support.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Travels
  • tourism
  • Children
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