As parents begin to prepare their children for regularity and regain the routine of going to school, it is also good to start making a list of the ingredients for their children's lunch bag. Promoting healthy eating habits is very important and takes place at an early age. The best way to do this is by planning to include important health and nutritional components in our children's systems. Children generally tend to eat well when they are surrounded by other children, meaning that a nutritional culture that targets healthy eating options for a large segment of parents is essential.

Determining a child's food is one of the important questions parents face. School meals are light and healthy and must be balanced. Ideal meals usually contain fresh fruits and crunchy vegetables, as well as a range of protein, dairy and carbohydrates.

Diet greatly affects a child's intelligence, brain development and physical development. Healthy food contributes to brain function, memory and concentration. There are plenty of food options available. Represented in:


Almonds have a high nutritional value. Almonds are served in a variety of recipes, such as salads.


It has a high protein content and contains all the essential amino acids, especially lysine.It plays an important role in regulating stress and anxiety, as well as contains antioxidants and a small amount of fatty acids known as omega-3.


Berries top the list of fruits with lots of vitamins besides strawberries.It is full of nutrients, such as vitamin C and manganese, and helps maintain brain function, reduce oxidative damage to brain cells, and improve your children's memory.

Chia seeds

It is rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants and calcium. While carbohydrates, fiber and calcium do not help or hinder memory, antioxidants and omega-3 will certainly increase brain power. Antioxidants are known to increase blood flow to the brain, improving memory.

Seeds of flax

Like chia seeds, flaxseed is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Specifically, it is high in a type of omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is strongly linked to brain health.

Steps and instructions

The end of summer vacations does not necessarily mean the end of the summer, and because a school can last two to four hours before a meal is eaten, it is very important to follow important steps and guidelines to ensure healthy food. Experts advise serving fresh cooked food, avoiding chilled fruit. Avoid white and red meats, cheeses and milk as they can easily spoil with heat. As for how to preserve food, it is preferable to choose heat-insulated boxes, which helps to keep food fresh longer.

Various recipes with prime ingredient

Because quinoa is an important source of protein, you will be surprised at how many delicious dishes you can prepare with quinoa. Try dishes like quinoa biryani and quinoa burger. Not only are these dishes healthy, you can also try sweets for children such as quinoa chocolate biscuits or quinoa chocolate cake.

Make sure to provide chia and flax seeds to your child.You can also make cherry powder with chia seeds. It is always a good idea to add some dry fruits, such as almonds and walnuts, to your recipes, which will keep your child alive.

Rice preparations are one of the most convenient lunch box options, as there are plenty of dishes that one can prepare from this essential ingredient, but also suitable for your child to eat at school. But mothers generally avoid giving rice to children because of high carbohydrates. The best thing you can do is replace white rice with brown rice. This variety of brown rice has a sweeter flavor. Because of its delicious taste, it can be used in various recipes using white rice.

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