- Today, unfortunately, we have many places in the country where there are no local editors, so-called white spots, and with a strengthened media support, we enable a focus on local journalism, says Minister of Culture and Democracy Amanda Lind (MP).

On February 1, 2019, a new media support was introduced with the aim of promoting public access to independent news media throughout the country. The new support focuses on ensuring that local news journalism in the poorly monitored area receives targeted support. In June, the first support was distributed and then the Media Support Committee distributed just over SEK 30 million.

The Government is now proposing that the media support be increased by an additional SEK 85 million, in addition to the increase of 55 million as previously announced. They also propose an increase of SEK 30 million already this year.

This support has been announced since before. Why didn't you send in enough money then?

- We did a major restructuring of the media support last year, which came into force this year. And we know that with the changing media landscape, and with the changing way we consume news, not least is the daily press put under great financial pressure, says Amanda Lind, and continues:

- That is why it is an important thing for me as a minister of democracy to follow developments closely, and that we are now making this addition both for this year and for years to come.

- I do not rule out that we must also follow the development going forward.