People who are exposed to very low blood pressure are at risk of several complications, such as cerebral circulatory disorder, according to the Medical Forum.

Doctors divided the cases of hypotension into three groups: group I - pressure 100 \ 70; group II - pressure 90 \ 60; group III - pressure less than 70 \ 60, so that when it is simple, does not interest doctors. According to them, this is less dangerous than high blood pressure.

But when it falls to the limits of the second group, it does not pose a significant risk to the cardiovascular as it is on the rise, especially since the improvement of health in this situation is possible without medication, where it is enough to drink fortified drinks and foods, herbal tea and simple physical activity.

"When blood pressure drops significantly, blood movement slows down, causing delays in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other organs, leading to a heart attack."

The research published by Medic Forum, according to doctors, noted that the hallmarks of low blood pressure are dizziness, nausea, asthenia, drowsiness, irritability and straying. So when the blood pressure level drops to a critical level you should call the ambulance, as this may cause loss of consciousness and coma.