A cyclone with heavy rains passed through the north of European territory. Now he is heading to the north of the Volga region and the middle Urals.

As noted by Parshina, this cyclone again draws in cold air. Wednesday, August 28, may be the coldest day of the week from the north to the Volga. In the daytime, the temperature will not rise above +14 ... + 19 ° C.

In the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, the Nenets okrug, the Komi Republic and in the north of the Volga region on the night of Thursday, August 29, frosts are possible up to -3 ° C. In the Moscow region, it can cool up to -2 ° C. In Moscow, the night temperature is expected to be +5 ... + 7 ° C.

On August 14, State Duma deputy, former head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko, in an interview with URA.RU, commented on the forecast for hot weather in several regions of the Central Federal District.