NASA warned yesterday that a giant asteroid is approaching the Earth, which was confirmed by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, who said he had no defense against it.

According to the newspaper "The Independent" British, Mask warned that the size of the asteroid exceeds twice the size of the Tower "Shard" in London, which is the largest building in Europe.

The giant asteroid will pass next to Earth next September and is likely to hit it, according to NASA estimates, on September 14, which is more than 650 meters wide.

The "space monster" will travel to Earth at a speed of 14 thousand miles per hour, and will travel after passing through our planet 3.3 million miles.

The appearance of the giant asteroid comes after it last appeared on September 1, 2000, that is, it appears almost every 20 years, and will be repeated again in 2038.

NASA said there was no danger of an asteroid colliding with Earth, but the head of the US space science agency, Jim Bardenstein, warned earlier that a deadly asteroid might hit the Earth.